substantial大量的的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列各種有用的問答集和懶人包

substantial大量的的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦廖柏森寫的 英文研究論文寫作:搭配詞指引(第二版) 和Jhih-Rong Liao(廖治榮)Chyi-Chen Ho(何琦琛)Hsiao-Chin Lee(李曉芹)Chiun-Che的 Phytoseiidae of Taiwan (Acari: Mesostigmata)都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自眾文 和國立臺灣大學中心所出版 。

國立政治大學 資訊科學系 張宏慶所指導 蔡宗諺的 以卷積神經網路優化5G時代下智慧家庭的服務流量分類 (2021),提出substantial大量的關鍵因素是什麼,來自於第五代行動通訊網路、智慧家庭、流量分類、深度學習、軟體定義網路。

而第二篇論文國立臺北商業大學 創意設計與經營研究所 陳春富所指導 黃禎的 低碳社區融入創意設計對永續發展之影響 (2021),提出因為有 低碳社區、創意設計、永續發展、可持續性的重點而找出了 substantial大量的的解答。




為了解決substantial大量的的問題,作者廖柏森 這樣論述:

第一本介紹論文搭配詞用法的寫作指引, 正確搭配詞彙,提升學術寫作專業度!   以搭配詞 (collocation) 學習英文的觀念,近年來已日益普及而受到重視。本書針對常用的學術寫作詞彙及其常見的搭配形式整理而成,讓學習者避開中式英文的陷阱,有效率地寫出自然而流暢的英文論文,不再「搭錯」詞。   舉例來說:「『犯』罪」稱作 “commit” a crime,「『犯』錯」是用 “make” a mistake,而「『犯』法」則是 “break” the law。   對於論文寫作者而言,搭配詞的選擇尤須謹慎,因為學術寫作涉及專門的領域和特殊文體要求,許多詞彙在一般英文及學術英文的使用上

,就有語義上的差異。   例如:approach作為動詞,在一般英文中常表「接近」,但在學術英文中,卻比較常當作「處理」,如approach the problem(處理此問題);又如argue,一般常作「爭論」,在學術英文中,argue則解釋為「主張」,如the research argued...(此研究主張…)。   國內第一本學術搭配詞專業書籍   作者廖柏森教授,累積多年來所蒐集的學術寫作高頻用字,依詞性分類,整理出4000種字詞搭配變化。寫作者依文境直接選用搭配,不但省去查證時間,讓用字更顯靈活。   全新第二版,新增了搭配詞彙的用法說明、搭配例句和練習題數量,同時也刪除部

分相對簡易的搭配詞彙和例句,讓內容難易度一致。另外,書中從國際英文期刊、學術書籍及語料庫中,篩選出實際的豐富例證,讓寫作者能確實掌握英文論文寫作的精準度,全面提升學術英文論文的專業水準!   廖柏森教授的「英文研究論文指引」系列一套六本,分別從關鍵句、文法、搭配詞、段落、口語報告及摘要六個主題,結合理論與實務,兼顧深度與廣度,指引寫作者從點線面發展出一篇英文論文,是每位有撰寫英文論文需要的學術工作者不可或缺的案頭書。 名人推薦   國立清華大學資工系暨資訊系統與應用研究所教授  張俊盛   廖教授針對常用學術詞彙,選取例句加以翻譯,並透過搭配詞分析,指引學子在寫作論文時適當地用字遣詞。相

信讀者熟讀本書後,對於正式的學術詞彙就能運用自如,熟練英文的名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞、介系詞等的搭配使用,寫出接近英語母語者的流暢文字。   國立臺灣師範大學英語學系教授 陳浩然   廖教授的新作針對國內學子學術英文寫作的主要困難──搭配詞,進行深入的介紹及講解。本書內容豐富,充分納入學術期刊、書籍和語料庫的搭配句型實例。對於需要以英文撰寫學術論文的研究人員及莘莘學子必定會有極大的助益。  


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為了解決substantial大量的的問題,作者蔡宗諺 這樣論述:


可以解決複雜分類問題的深度學習技術,優化ISP業者對智慧家庭的網路封包分類的精準度。本論文藉由軟體定義網路技術模擬多租戶的智慧家庭環境,依據3GPP LTE QoS Class Identifier (QCI)表,篩選出適用於未來智慧家庭類別的服務,模擬不同類別的智慧家庭服務流量,並利用卷積神經網路對網路流量進行分類。透過本論文,ISP業者能依分類好的服務類別,設定頻寬比例並配置到對應的服務類別,達到有效提升QoS及使用者QoE的目的。實驗結果顯示,CNN模型對智慧家庭模擬流量的分類精準度,透過調整後的參數組合與設定大小為1500 bytes的Payload輸入,能有最佳的分類準確率86.5%


Phytoseiidae of Taiwan (Acari: Mesostigmata)

為了解決substantial大量的的問題,作者Jhih-Rong Liao(廖治榮)Chyi-Chen Ho(何琦琛)Hsiao-Chin Lee(李曉芹)Chiun-Che 這樣論述:

  The Phytoseiidae are among the best-known mite families, with more than 2,700 recorded species worldwide. Some of those phytoseiids are used as biocontrol agents to fight agricultural pests. But in order to study their potential, it has become urgent to first establish a reliable taxonomy of Phyto

seiidae. This book presents a general review of the classification and external morphology of the family Phytoseiidae in Taiwan and neighboring islands. Between 2009 and 2019, more than 20,000 specimens were gathered over the course of 2,500 collections. This book focuses on 64 species belonging to

three subfamilies and fourteen genera, among which are five novel species and eight newly-recorded species; it provides their descriptions and illustrations, as well as information on their habitat plants and food habits.     臺灣植綏蟎研究最早能追溯到1970年代。歷經多位學者努力,目前植綏蟎物種數已累積了64種。本書描述目前已知臺灣植綏蟎物種,提供完整物種描述、繪圖、與

生物學資訊。 作者簡介   Jhih-Rong Liao (廖治榮)     Dr. Jhih-Rong Liao is a post-doctoral fellow at National Taiwan University, Taiwan, who has a deep interest in mite taxonomy (Phytoseiidae) and the identification of mites using artificial intelligence. Liao fell in love with Acarology when he was first introd

uced to the study of these beautiful creatures, back in 2008. Upon learning about the high demand for mite experts in Taiwan, he started to dedicate himself to the taxonomy of Phytoseiidae, which he has done for the past decade, along with its practical application of identifying small agricultural

pests. His life-long goal is to educate the public on mites, contribute to fundamental research (e.g. mite identification) for plant protection, and just keep studying those fascinating animals for the rest of his life.     中興大學昆蟲學系大學部畢業,國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系碩士及博士畢業。廖治榮博士鑽研蟎類分類學研究,是少數以蟎為題材的研究者。在就讀博士期間,積極參與學術研究

,截至目前為止已共發表12篇SCI期刊報告,其中有4篇為第一作者,並發表12新種與71種新紀錄種類之蟎類,為該領域之基礎研究提供重大貢獻。   Chyi-Chen Ho (何琦琛)     Dr. Chyi-Chen Ho is a retired researcher of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, and an adjunct associate professor at National Chung Hsing University and National Chiayi University. He has studied

mites for 40 years, and began to focus on mite taxonomy recently, including Tetranychidae, Phytoseiidae, Tarsonemidae, Acaridae, Digamasellidae, etc. He introduced Liao to the beautiful world of mites in 2008, and has taught him everything about those critters.     農業試驗所退休研究人員,國立中興大學昆蟲學系、國立嘉義大學植物醫學系

兼任副教授。何琦琛博士以於蟎類世界鑽研近40年,前期以害蟎與生物防治為研究主題,近期則以蟎類分類學為主,研究分類群包括植綏蟎科、葉蟎科、粉蟎科等。   Hsiao-Chin Lee (李曉芹)     Hsiao-Chin Lee received her master’s degree from the Department of Entomology of National Taiwan University. She studied the intraspecific variation of Neoseiulus barkeri as a graduate student. The c

ontributions she made to this book include collections, drawings, and corrections.     國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系碩士,以巴氏小新綏蟎的種內變異為研究題材,探討該物種於形態、分子層面之變異。   Chiun-Cheng Ko (柯俊成)     Dr. Chiun-Cheng Ko is a professor in the Department of Entomology of National Taiwan University. For the past 30 years, his focus has bee

n small insect taxonomy, especially whiteflies (Aleyrodidae). He also has a keen interest in the use of molecular identification to tackle the issue of the Bemisia tabaci species complex.     國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系教授、小型昆蟲分類專家,以粉蝨總科物種為研究題材,是國際少見之粉蝨專家。柯俊成教授主要研究方向為檢疫防疫重要農業害蟲鑑定技術之開發及農業昆蟲多樣性,以分子技術探討煙草粉蝨種群之議題。

The Authors Preface Acknowledgements Abstract 序 摘要 Introduction Historical Overview Neighboring Countries Taiwan Review of Setal Chaetotaxy Research in Phytoseiidae Biology Review of Biological Control in Taiwan Materials and Methods Collecting Specimens and Preparing Mounted Slides Locality Depo

sitory Description Terminology Taxonomy Discussion Biodiversity of Phytoseiid Mites from Taiwan The Mystery of Tseng’s Specimens Additional Characteristics in Phytoseiidae Taxonomy Potential Predator Species Mite Slide Preparation Conclusion References Appendixes Appendix I. Comparison of Different

Setal Nomenclature Systems Appendix II. Collection Data from Yi-Hsiung Tseng Appendix III. Habitat Plant List of Phytoseiidae from Taiwan Index to Taxa Preface     My passion for mites can be traced back to 2006, the first time I saw mites: at the time, I could not recognize those eight-legged cre

atures and just called them spiders. Later, I took a course in Acarology when I was a junior. I got good grades in that class and, more importantly, learned to appreciate the beauty of mites. My academic performance until then was rather poor, and Entomology not quite my cup of tea. But discovering

the secrets of mites took my life in a new direction: my mission became to tell people about those mysterious, fascinating creatures.      When I was a graduate student, my advisor Dr. Chiun-Cheng Ko encouraged me to study mites associated with agriculture, in order to develop a type of plant protec

tion based around them. I found that Phytoseiidae of Taiwan had already been studied in the past, with Yi-Hsiung Tseng having recorded 48 species. All of Tseng’s specimens, however, went missing after his retirement. Therefore, I chose to dedicate my life to studying phytoseiid mites, in the hope of

finding among them the native natural enemies of the Tetranychidae, the spider mite pests causing substantial damage to Taiwanese agriculture.     I finished my master’s thesis two years later, and began my military service. It was during that year spent in the navy, trying to figure out my lifetim

e career goal while on the Pacific Ocean, that I realized mites were my life mission. I therefore went back to NTU to work towards my Ph.D. degree. However, life is not all roses: it took me three attempts to pass the doctoral entrance examination, and I had to drop out of school at one point, after

failing the qualifying test. Nevertheless, I was able to finish my degree, thanks to the support of all my family and friends.     I have now published several research articles regarding new or newly-recorded phytoseiid mites in Taiwan. Reporting the Phytoseiidae fauna of Taiwan felt like a respon

sibility to me. This book contains the currently-recorded phytoseiid mites of Taiwan and neighboring islands, totaling 64 species. I made a small wish to myself that one day I would compile everything we learned and publish a comprehensive list of Taiwanese phytoseiids, so that researchers worldwide

can have access to this information about Taiwan. I hope this book will not only contribute to the knowledge of phytoseiid mite biodiversity, but also provide a framework for future biological control use of these predatory mites.   Jhih-Rong Liao 序     植綏蟎科(Phytoseiidae)是一備受矚目的分類群,全世界已記錄超過2,700種。

此類群的部分種類用作於生物防治的捕食性天敵,能捕食田間植食性蟎如葉蟎、節蟎,及一些小型害蟲,對於農業生態系提供重要的貢獻。臺灣與鄰近島嶼先前已經記錄53種植綏蟎,也在研究上面臨一些問題:(1)本土物種的應用研究較缺乏;(2)外來生物入侵後,本土性天敵並未被重新關注;(3)相較鄰近國家,臺灣地區的植綏蟎物種數仍有研究空間;(4)臺灣地區植綏蟎研究缺乏一完整的專著介紹;(5)植綏蟎專家曾義雄先生退休後,所有標本皆已散佚,提高了後續研究的難度。     本書作者於撰寫前做了長期的研究工作。首先進行臺灣地區與鄰近島嶼的普查,於田野或林間進行大量採集;普查的同時亦調查各物種的基礎生物學,包括寄主植物、發

生時間、發生地區與食性等資訊;此外也藉由分析曾義雄先生的標本採集資訊,特別針對模式產地,調查模式寄主植物,找出相同物種做重新描述。作者在撰寫時,從形態分類著手,加入植綏蟎額外的特徵描述,如背板孔、足毛式、四對足毛相等,且所有的種類皆做了描述與繪圖,完成了本書《臺灣植綏蟎誌》。自2009至2019年所採集到的植綏蟎共有2,500多筆紀錄,二萬餘隻個體。另外第二作者於1985至2015年間所採集的植綏蟎標本,則暫存於臺灣大學昆蟲標本館。     本書以專論的形式出版,內容包含臺灣產植綏蟎生物誌,囊括臺灣產植綏蟎科共計14屬64種(含已於先前陸續發表的5新種、8新紀錄種),提供所有物種之完整形態描述

與測量值及各級檢索表。此外,對於植綏蟎科的系統分類做了回顧、現況介紹、植綏蟎外部形態介紹,並探討各植綏蟎物種之生物防治潛力,希望能藉此協助臺灣種類的鑑定;所增加寄主植物與食性等資訊,能充實臺灣生物多樣性資料庫,對未來植綏蟎應用提供重要基礎。     本書的出版除作為分類學者的研究工具書外,亦是病蟲害防治、生物防治及自然保育生物多樣性相關領域的重要參考資料。期許本書的問世能有助於未來開發本土性植綏蟎天敵與田間實際應用,成為生物多樣性、系統發生學與親緣地理研究的重要骨幹。     廖治榮  


為了解決substantial大量的的問題,作者黃禎 這樣論述:

全球正朝著可持續性發展的目標前進,因為它是人類在地球上永續生存中不可或缺的要素。過去,工業發展時期大量仰賴石化燃料進行發電、建造,造就碳排放量大幅增長,嚴重影響後代人們的居住品質、身心健康,更無法達到環境永續發展的目標。在二十一世紀之際,不管是世界性的組織團體、民間的社福性團體,抑或是社區居民等,皆意識到環境永續的迫切性與重要性。也因此,朝著低碳生活、永續發展之目標前進已是勢不可遏之至關要題。故本研究主要針對低碳社區之永續發展作進一步探討,從中納入創意設計的思維。研究採用問卷調查法蒐集數據,共計回收273份有效問卷,有效回收率達95.0%,其透過SPSS 25.0進行統計之分析,研究結果發現
