goings-on的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列各種有用的問答集和懶人包

goings-on的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Small, Virginia寫的 Strangling Aunty: Perilous Times for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation 和David Walliams,Tony Ross (ILT)的 The Beast of Buckingham Palace都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

臺北醫學大學 醫學人文研究所碩士班 蕭玫凱所指導 蔣承憲的 Stem Cell Scientists' Perceptions of the Field and the Teaching of Stem Cell Research and Therapy: A Study from Northern Taiwan (2021),提出goings-on關鍵因素是什麼,來自於perceptions、stem cell research and therapy、medical education、bioethics、boundary object、promissory capital。

而第二篇論文國立臺北科技大學 應用英文系 林彥良所指導 許韶格的 採用線上搭配詞典來提升EFL高中生 文本翻譯能力之研究 (2018),提出因為有 英語搭配詞能力、翻譯寫作能力、線上搭配詞典的重點而找出了 goings-on的解答。



Strangling Aunty: Perilous Times for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation

為了解決goings-on的問題,作者Small, Virginia 這樣論述:

Dr Virginia Small is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Business at UNSW ADFA Canberra and has worked at the ABC for over 18 years in a variety of broadcasting roles, prior to that she was also a finance journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald and a money market reporter at Australian Associated Pre

ss. At the ABC she was a respected newsreader and economics journalist, and produced and presented a high-rating business program on Radio National. As a news broadcaster and journalist, she gained a day-to-day insight into the goings-on of the ABC and the changes of management and its impact. She h

as a doctoral degree in communication, a master’s degree in professional communication and a master’s in literature.


Stem Cell Scientists' Perceptions of the Field and the Teaching of Stem Cell Research and Therapy: A Study from Northern Taiwan

為了解決goings-on的問題,作者蔣承憲 這樣論述:

Research into stem cells and the biomedical potential of developing stem cell therapies are currently crucial topics in biomedicine, politics, and economics. In Taiwan, the government is pushing the development of a biotech hub, with research and development in stem cells being a niche. This i

nitiative has partly led to the high standard of stem cell research (SCR) that is developing in Taiwan, and the government's push to expedite the approval of new cell therapies. In line with what has long been the global trend, a limited number of stem cell therapies, such as bone marrow transplants

had already become standard practice in Taiwanese medical facilities before the implementation of the "Regulations Governing the Application or Use of Specific Medical Techniques or Examinations, or Medical Devices." Despite the pressure to expand this biotech field, little is known about local

stem cell scientist-educators’ (scientists who conduct research and teach classes on stem cells) perceptions of this professional field. As an emerging field with most policy-making still highly dependent on stem cell scientists as consultants (partly due to a shortage of suitable technocrats), it

is important to explore scientist-educators’ perceptions outside of the formal setting of expert advisory committee meetings. Through eleven semi-structured interviews with educators working in the field of stem cell research and therapy who also teach on the subject matter, this qualitative study e

xplores instructors’ perceptions of stem cell research, therapy, and education in Taiwan, and discusses the factors shaping instructors’ perceptions and their decisions of how and what to teach. Themes identified from the interviews using grounded theory include: (1) awareness of and personal in

sights into the complexities and framings around SCR/T in Taiwan; (2) prioritizing the teaching of objective, scientific facts and the complexity of real-world applications; (3) evaluating government initiatives, and (4) IRB, ethics, and regulations in regards to doing good science. This thesis cont

ributes to the fields of the sociology of medical science and technology, medical education, bioethics and public policy. Specifically, it adapts the concepts of boundary objects, boundary-spanning roles, boundary-work and situatedness as lenses through which to decipher how scientist-educators navi

gate between their perceptions of what constitutes “good science” and “meaningful ethics” in their practice of expectational/promissory capital-filled SCR/T. These concepts help make sense of the relatedness among scientist-educators’ perceptions, decisions, conduct and interactions with other bound

ary objects. Taken together, these findings shall be useful if consolidated and taken into consideration for future policy planning, curricular design and public outreach (efforts in the popularization of science). 

The Beast of Buckingham Palace

為了解決goings-on的問題,作者David Walliams,Tony Ross (ILT) 這樣論述:

● 英國百萬暢銷小說作家大衛.威廉(David Walliams) ● 被譽為幽默大師羅爾德達爾(Roald Dahl)接班人 ● 國外媒體好評、英國亞馬遜網路書店五顆星超高人氣推薦   百年後的末日世界,將喚醒沉睡好幾世紀的魔獸!   距今一百年的2120年,世界皆已籠罩在黑暗之下,半世紀以來,人們沒有好好照顧家園,燒毀了森林、抽光了湖水,取之用盡地下的石油,於是終遭到地球的反撲,洪災、地震、火山爆發、海水上漲、氣候紊亂......最後籠罩在一大片又黑又陰的火山灰之下。   艾弗列是英國的王子,他已十二歲,但是打從他出生以來就沒有離開過白金漢宮,也從沒有見過白日的陽光。   在這樣

的黑暗世界中,英國倫敦遭遇前所未有的革命反叛,倫敦之眼傾倒,聖保羅教堂被燒毀,戒嚴之下,誰都不準外出。而白金漢宮,則更是一個休想進入,或一進入也別想出來的地方。在這樣的肅殺氣氛之中,艾弗瑞的母后被皇家侍衛強行無禮地拖到塔頂去,艾弗列想要拯救母親,卻頻頻被死氣沉沉的侍衛給阻擋,就連父王也已變得兩眼無神,行屍走肉。   他躡手躡腳地跑竄整個白金漢宮,他想要知道真相,卻意外發現國王的貼身忠僕護國公操控著國王的一切,國王的手掌上滿是刀痕......原來是護國公利用巫術,奪取皇家的血脈,想將國王的獸寵雕像們賦予生命,統治世界!   艾弗列想盡辦法躲避侍衛的殘害,逃離白金漢宮時,才發現皇宮中謠傳的反叛

軍竟是自己消聲匿跡已久的奶奶英國皇后帶領的!重逢之後他們將一起反攻回白金漢宮! 本書特色 ※ 荒誕不羈的劇情,引人入勝,更為想像增添各種可能。 ※ 小小主人公的情感糾葛、探險精神,將引領小讀者抽絲剝繭。 ----中文簡介擷取自中譯本《皇家魔獸:大衛威廉幽默成長小說12》,晨星出版   Fly into a fiery and fantastical future with No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams, in an epic adventure of myth and legend, good and evil, and one sm

all boy who must save the world…     Illustrated by the artistic genius Tony Ross!     It is 2120 and London is in ruins.     The young Prince Alfred has never known a life outside Buckingham Palace – but when strange goings-on breach its walls and stalk the corridors in the dead of nigh

t, he is thrust into a world of mystery, adventure and monsters.     And when his mother, the Queen, is dragged away to the Tower of London, Alfred must screw up his courage and battle to save her, himself… and the entire city.     In a future of myths and legends, join the bestselling David

Walliams and venture forth into his most enthralling tale yet!

採用線上搭配詞典來提升EFL高中生 文本翻譯能力之研究

為了解決goings-on的問題,作者許韶格 這樣論述:

ESL/EFL寫作方面的研究先進認為,英語學習者搭配詞使用的能力有助於英文寫作,進而達到有效溝通的目的。然而,學習者的字詞搭配知識與文本翻譯寫作能力之間的關聯的研究仍不足。因此,本研究的目的如下:(1)分析高中學生在採用線上搭配詞典的教學前與後,他們的搭配詞知識和文本翻譯能力的差異情形;(2)探討英語學習者的搭配知識與文本翻譯能力的相關性; (3)瞭解線上英語搭配詞典教學對高中學生中譯英文本翻譯能力的影響。本研究採用準實驗設計,將學生分成實驗組和對照組,採用定量資料的收集及分析。對照組由38名高中一年級學生組成,而實驗組由另外37名高中一年級同學組成。實驗組和對照組均參與為期8週的文本翻譯寫

作課程,唯一的差別是實驗組在教學過程中使用線上搭配詞典。研究結果顯示:(1)與對照組相比,實驗組的搭配知識和文本翻譯寫作能力有顯著提升; (2)搭配知識與文本翻譯寫作能力呈現正相關;(3)本研究發現,採用線上搭配詞典來教授英文寫作課程,對於學生的文本翻譯寫作能力呈現正面的影響。研究結果能為解釋搭配能力與文本翻譯寫作能力之間的相互關係提供了建設性的依據,也為教授英語翻譯寫作的教師提供了實質的建議,以便更能理解字詞搭配知識如何提升英語學習者的文本翻譯寫作的能力。