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另外網站Essai : Toyota GR Yaris (2021), complètement GRrrrrrrrrr - Turbo也說明:Cette embellie nous vient du pays du Soleil Levant avec une Toyota haute en performances... et en couleur. La Yaris GR, déclinaison la plus ...

臺北醫學大學 國際醫學研究碩士學位學程 CHEN, CHIEH-FENG所指導 HOANG DINH KHANH的 Oral aspirin for preventing colorectal adenoma recurrence: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (2021),提出Toyota GR關鍵因素是什麼,來自於Aspirin/acetylsalicylic acid、chemoprevention、colorectal adenomas、randomized controlled trials、network meta-analysis。

而第二篇論文臺北醫學大學 藥學系碩士班 陳世銘所指導 巫婷婷的 某區域教學醫院治療慢性C型肝炎之直接作用抗病毒藥物 (Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents , DAAs) 之藥品使用療效評估 (2020),提出因為有 慢性C型肝炎、直接作用抗病毒藥物、藥物交互作用、副作用的重點而找出了 Toyota GR的解答。

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Oral aspirin for preventing colorectal adenoma recurrence: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

為了解決Toyota GR的問題,作者HOANG DINH KHANH 這樣論述:

Objective To evaluate the preventive effect of aspirin on polypoid lesions in the colorectum and recommend the optimal dose for clinical useDesign Systematic review and network meta-analysisData sources A multilingual, comprehensive source of aspirin clinical trials for colorectal adenoma preventio

n updated to December 31st, 2021Study selection Only randomized controlled trial studies, consisting of participants randomly assigned to receive aspirin (high dose or low dose) or placebo, were included.Methods Pairwise meta-analysis, meta-regression, trial sequential analysis, and network meta-ana

lysis were done after all eligible studies inclusion. ROB 2.0 tool was used for assess risk of bias assessments in included studies, and confidence in the results of network meta-analysis was evaluated by using CINeMA approach.Results The network meta-analysis included eight randomized controlled tr

ials (nine reports) – four of aspirin (low dose or high dose) alone (n = 1,820 participants), four of aspirin in combination with one another medication including folic acid (n = 421), resistant starch (n = 342), eicosapentaenoic acid (n = 326) and mesalazine (n = 102), all compared to placebo. For

pairwise meta-analysis, based on data from seven trials aspirin (any dose) substantially reduced the colorectal adenoma recurrence in participants with or without adenoma-related genetic syndromes (risk ratio 0.86, 95% confidence interval: 0.75 to 0.99). Meta-regression indicated that there was no

correlation between aspirin dose and colorectal adenoma recurrence (p-value = 0.58 for linear model, p-value = 0.76 for non-linear model). For network meta-analysis, low-dose aspirin was still more protective than both high-dose aspirin and placebo, with risk ratio and 95% confidence interval being

0.76 (95% confidence interval 0.58 – 0.99), 0.7 (95% confidence interval 0.54 – 0.91), respectively. Synchronously, low-dose aspirin was ranked the best treatment among the network of low-dose, high-dose aspirin, and placebo (P-score = 0.99). Thus, LDA was the optimal treatment relative to HDA and p

lacebo (P-score = 0.99) with moderate certainty of evidence due to some concerns in heterogeneity. But for trial sequential analysis, low-dose aspirin only showed its efficacy over placebo when the number of included participants exceeded the optimal information size, this was not the case for HDA.C

onclusions Low-dose aspirin has statistically significant efficacy in colorectal adenoma prevention, especially for long-term use but its efficacy over high-dose aspirin is uncertain based on available data which needs more trials to confirm.

某區域教學醫院治療慢性C型肝炎之直接作用抗病毒藥物 (Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents , DAAs) 之藥品使用療效評估

為了解決Toyota GR的問題,作者巫婷婷 這樣論述:

背景:過去在台灣主要以長效型干擾素 (pegylated interferon) 合併雷巴威林(ribavirin)治療慢性C型肝炎,隨著口服直接作用抗病毒藥物(direct-acting antiviral agents, DAAs)的發展,已取代干擾素成為C型肝炎的治療首選。台灣於 2017 年1月開始有條件的開放健保給付,但目前仍為高價藥品,而且交互作用繁多,因此本研究希望藉由某區域教學醫院的處方分析進一步探討這些藥物的療效及安全性。研究目的: 評估臨床上治療C型肝炎的直接作用抗病毒藥物的療效,交互作用及用藥安全性,以提供醫師作更好的臨床決策及照護參考。方法:本研究為病歷回溯性研究,利

用某區域教學醫院資料庫篩選自2017年1月1日至2021年4月30日之間使用直接作用抗病毒藥物之C肝門診患者處方,針對藥物療效與潛在藥品交互作用(Potential Drug-Drug Interaction, PDDI)及實際副作用(Adverse Drug Reactions, ADRs) 發生率進行資料分析。藥物交互作用係依據Liverpool HEP Interactions 及 Micromedex藥物交互作用等工具進行分析。研究結果: 研究分析共納入217例患者(平均年齡62.67 ± 12.09歲),其中53.92%為男性。基因型1b是主要基因型(53.92%),其次是基因型第2

型(25.34%)。 整體治療成功率SVR12為97.23%。經羅吉斯迴歸結果顯示早期肝硬化患者([OR]:10.86,95%信賴區間:2.14-55.02,p < 0.01)和較高的Charlson 共病症指數評分([aOR]:2.03,95%信賴區間:1.07-3.84,p < 0.05)更有可能導致治療失敗。在這項研究中,分析病患用藥後顯示並無DDI禁忌使用的結果,這表明當與其他療法聯合使用時,這七種DAAs是安全的。在治療期間有68名(31.34%)患者有藥物副作用發生。最常見的ADRs是皮膚搔癢(10.14%),其次是腹部不適(5.07%)和疲勞(5.07%)。 另外,羅吉斯迴歸分析

顯示,美沙冬 (methadone) 使用者發生ADRs的可能性較低([aOR]:0.13,95%信賴區間:0.03-0.60,p < 0.05)。結論: 整體來說,這項病歷回溯研究結果顯示,DAAs對於研究收納之217名病患的整體SVR12可達97.23%,與其他國家的許多臨床試驗及真實世界數據結果相當。且在治療前經由藥師介入整合病患用藥處方,減少使用藥物,能提升病患整體用藥之安全性。總之,DAAs對於治療台灣C型肝炎患者是高度有效和安全的。