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Gross price的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Berry, Daina Ramey,Gross, Kali Nicole寫的 A Black Women’’s History of the United States 和的 Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

東吳大學 財務工程與精算數學系 莊聲和、喬治華所指導 陳悠祈的 父母親身體狀況與嬰幼兒先天性缺陷之關聯性研究 (2022),提出Gross price關鍵因素是什麼,來自於先天缺陷、婦嬰險、危險因子、廣義線性模型。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣藝術大學 圖文傳播藝術學系 戴孟宗所指導 紀錦嬑的 社群媒體連載輕小說使用動機對體驗行銷、體驗價值及顧客忠誠度之影響 (2021),提出因為有 社群媒體、輕小說、體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客忠誠度的重點而找出了 Gross price的解答。


除了Gross price,大家也想知道這些:

A Black Women’’s History of the United States

為了解決Gross price的問題,作者Berry, Daina Ramey,Gross, Kali Nicole 這樣論述:

Daina Ramey Berry is the Oliver H. Radkey Regents Professor of History and associate dean of the Graduate School at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the author or co-editor of several previous books, including The Price for Their Pound of Flesh: The Value of the Enslaved, from Womb to Grave

, in the Building of a Nation, winner of the 2017 SHEAR Book Award for Early American History. Connect with her at or @DainaRameyBerry on Twitter. Kali Nicole Gross is the Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of History at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Her previous books inclu

de Hannah Mary Tabbs and the Disembodied Torso: A Tale of Race, Sex, and Violence in America, winner of the 2017 Hurston/Wright Legacy Award in nonfiction. Learn more at or connect with her on Twitter @KaliGrossPhD.

Gross price進入發燒排行的影片

錄影日期: 2019年7月8日(星期一)6pm
【足本PRO版】《博收購系列 (4 of 4) - 收購舖/樓重建,條數點計?》 Scenario 3: 四個號碼收購重建 (馬頭圍道101號,99號,97號,95號) 及強拍

個案地址: 土瓜灣馬頭圍道101號,大家姐海天堂龜苓膏舖,建築800呎,叫價3500萬,收實2650萬,租28000

買舖買樓博收購如何計算價值? 相信這系列是全港有史以來最詳盡關於博收購的影片。


買舖 要買得 PRO,上兩集同你講咗單一number 或者兩個 number 地盤發展,由於 EUV (Existing Use Value 現用值) 都係高過 RDV (Redevelopment Value 重建值),因此該地盤單一或者兩個合併都係無重建價值。咁再買多兩個又點呢?

馬頭圍道101,99,97,95號,4個number 地盤面積合共3584呎。我哋又計過,重建最好就係起幢24層高嘅大廈,合共68米高,總樓面29,673呎。一梯4伙,個單位實用面積saleable area 217呎,sorry, 啱啱好係納米樓。下面4間舖,每間實用面積551呎。

計法同以上 Senario 1 and 2 一樣,唔再計多次啦,你自己睇。

總之,計完一大輪嘢,Redevelopment Value 重建價值就係$317,600,000,亦都係個 Land Value。 每呎樓面地價 AV (Accomodation Value) 就係$10,703。

之前講過,101及99號兩個number 加起來的EUV (現用價值)就係1億2268萬,97及95號兩幢同101及99號兩幢,其實都係差不多一模一樣,就當價值一樣,咁四個number 嘅EUV 就係2.45億。RDV (重建價值) 3.18億,高過EUV (現用價值)2.45億,高出30%,因為重建有錢賺,代表有機會引來發展商一次過收購呢四幢大廈啦。


之前講過,一係就發展商逐間逐間同你傾,可以係天價,可以係市價,可以係賤價。 但通常收購,佢都係「收收埋埋」收咗樓上住宅單位先,因為資金成本較低及可以較低調處理, 收到七七八八,先m同下面間舖傾。 如果收足八成啦,佢就搵把刀仔勒住你條頸,一係你就賣,唔係就向土地審裁處申請強制拍賣。 好似呢度咁,每層嘅業權份數係七分之一, 幾百萬嘅樓同幾千萬嘅舖都係一樣, 我做發展商都梗係收樓先啦。只要每幢收咗樓上6個單位,就可以強拍樓下間舖。 因此,你要作最壞打算。萬一強拍,你可以袋到幾錢呢?

你想詳細了解強拍, 可以睇我2018年5月錄過嘅呢條片, 我相信係全香港有史以來最詳盡嘅收購三部曲。我同我公司分析過好多強拍嘅cases 判詞, 逐個逐個睇,好悶。 法官嘅判詞,估值方式同以上計算方式都係差唔多。

以2018年灣仔皇后大道東153號強拍case 為例, 嗰時係一幢六層高嘅大廈, 地盤面積865呎,合和已經收咗業權份數87.5%, 唯一喺三樓最後一伙業主過咗身,發展商買唔到。合和就係2017年向土地審裁處申請強拍,業主代表依然無任何feedback。

根據發展商搵咗 Savills 做嘅估值報告,嗰幢大廈嘅 EUV (Existing Use Value) ,根據 Direct Comparison Method 直接比較法就係樓上每層值約500萬多啲,地舖值4,251萬,全幢合共$68,860,000。法官都接受咗呢個 EUV  估值。

而 RDV (Redevelopment Value) 方面,用咗 我上面解釋過嘅 Residual Method (剩餘估值法)之後,即係從GDV (Gross Development Value) 總發展價值,減除 development cost 發展成本 (包括建築成本,專業費用(例如建築師/測量師/工程師/律師/會計師/設計師等),利息成本及發展商利潤等)。

雖然係人都知道合和會拼埋佢自己側邊合和二期嘅地盤一齊發展, 但佢聲稱只可以用單一number去估值幢樓嘅RDV價值, 因為呢幢樓還呢幢樓,側邊地盤還側邊地盤。咁先至可以質低個價收購到更平, 吹佢唔脹,法官又接受咗合和嘅講法, 大石砸死蟹。

合和代表話單一number 地盤去睇, 最好就起一幢五層高嘅商住混合樓。 總樓面面積就係349.6平方米,地積比率4.35倍。地舖就每平方米賣$905,000,閣樓$226,000,住宅就賣$228,000。一平方米等如10.76平方呎,減去發展成本每平方米$30,309,就得到RDV 地價8120萬,即樓面地價 8120萬除總建築面積349.6平方米,等如每平方米 $232,265。

法官接受咗合和一方以的EUV, RDV, 及GDV 估值,因此,係2017年12月6日判咗可以強制拍賣,Reserve Price 底價 8120萬。 當然如果小業主反對的話, 可自行聘請測量師估值, 提出有關理據向法庭反駁。

十單強拍,九單半都係底價成交, 因為你諗下, 如果我入嚟搶, 合和之前收開嘅成本已經係低好多, 我就依家起碼要畀8120萬以上先買到, 先畀合和賺一筆之餘, 我仲未必有能力合併到側邊個地盤發展,因此,除非有心玩嘢,道理上唔會有人入嚟爭。

土地審裁處判出嚟嘅拍賣底價,其實真係可以話係小業主賣樓賣舖嘅最後一關。 呢關守唔到,就一定畀人吃硬。呢單都係咁,2018年1月25日強拍,合和成功以8120萬底價強拍統一業權。 超平!

扣除拍賣開支同埋轉讓契律師費開支後,嗰8120萬就係按 EUV (現用值)的比例分配比業主。即係話,樓上未賣嘅三樓單位業主就分到大約608萬。因此,如果有個傻佬諗住搏收購,用一千萬買入三樓單位落釘的話, 合和咁樣申請強拍,釘子戶就分分鐘倒蝕近400萬啦。

皇后大道東153號樓下間舖,如果係其他人嘅,強拍後就分到約 5000萬。因此,如果你識計數,當年如果你想買入間舖博合和二期收購的話,就唔應該比多過5000萬啦。

去返去馬頭圍道101大家姐間舖,單一number 或者兩個number 發展都係唔值錢,無發展商會來收購。起碼有4個 number 才會引到發展商來收購。之前講過,4個number 的話,馬頭圍道101,99,97,95號,地盤面積合共3,584呎。RDV (重建價值) 就係 3.18億,高過EUV (現用價值)2.45億,高出30%。

因此,如果發展商收超過八成業權,就可以申請強拍。 土地審裁處判出嚟嘅底價, 按照佢過往判詞,應該會係3.18億。 如果又係底價成交的話,以EUV 現用價值比例派錢,地舖業主每間應該可以分到約3230萬。


可能你覺得咁再合併埋側邊啲地盤呢? 會唔會RDV(重建價值)更高? 答案係會。但同樣地,EUV (現用價值)都非常高。因為你睇睇,左右兩邊都係一幢12層高的大廈, 地積比率已經用盡, 發展商要收購重建呢兩幢大廈根本無水位。 因此最大機會,都只係四個number一齊發展。

最後,大家姐呢間舖如果真係以2650萬買入,連厘印費及手續費成本要成2915萬,博收購,我就覺得太博啦。即使博到4個number 一齊重建,可能都只係收到3230萬,賺11%,仲要唔知等幾耐。 期間現有租金回報只係得1.3%,太低啦。三四厘都可以等下。因此我去到盡都只係俾最多2400萬,但整整下呢個video, 我覺得畀多咗添啦,因為真係幾博下,唔知要等幾耐。

我相信呢個係香港有史以來最詳盡分析商舖/樓收購個案價值嘅video。 我哋盛滙商舖基金四分一嘅資金就專買博收購的舖,揸長線。其餘一半係睇地區發展,揸中長線, 淨返四分一就係專買平舖,筍價,短線轉手俾啲想買舖,但唔想煩嘅買家。

想了解更多我哋盛滙嘅商舖基金,投資額300萬港幣起,歡迎隨時whatsapp我或者致電 2830 1111 查詢。希望呢條video 嘅 Senario 1, 2,3, 對你日後買舖買樓博收購出乜嘢價亦都有所啟發。

盛滙投資商舖基金熱線: 2830 1111 或 whatsapp +852 90361143

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為了解決Gross price的問題,作者陳悠祈 這樣論述:


再列入考量。因此本研究期望透過「衛生福利部衛生福利資料科學中心」所提供之資料,藉由廣義線性模型,探討2004年至2017年0-7歲嬰幼兒之先天缺陷與父母親危險因子的關聯性。 研究顯示,觀察西元2004年至2017年的2,326,774位新生兒,其0-7歲罹患先天缺陷的機率為4.067%,當中約有20%的先天缺陷者於2歲後才發覺。在其他條件皆相同之下,父親年齡、母親年齡增加十歲時,則會分別使嬰幼兒其先天缺陷率提高為原本的1.013倍(95%CI=0.995-1.031)、1.185倍(95%CI=1.162-1.209)。而母親有任一懷孕危險因子所生育的嬰幼兒其先天缺陷率(例如:心臟疾病、


Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone

為了解決Gross price的問題,作者 這樣論述:

This updated second edition of a successful book provides essential, internationally applicable information in the area of bone and joint pathology with emphasis on practical diagnostic aspects, including many illustrations: roentgenograms, CT-scans, MRI, scintigraphies, as well as pictures of gross

surgical specimens and microphotographs, immunohistochemical reactions and genomics. Information on histopathological and molecular diagnosis, and basic therapeutic guidelines are provided. This book offers generous coverage of epidemiology, clinical features, radiology, pathology, differential dia

gnosis, prognosis and treatment, not only for common lesions, but also for those less frequently encountered, including lesions of joints. The content is arranged based on the World Health Organization's Consensus Classification, with the addition of other lesions not included therein. Tumors and Tu

mor-Like Lesions of Bone provides day-to-day assistance to general and specialized surgical pathologists, radiologists, orthopedic, head and neck and dental surgeons, oncologists and rheumatologists. EDUARDO SANTINI-ARAUJO, MD, PhDDr. Eduardo Santini-Araujo gained his medical degree in 1973, at th

e Medical School of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and got his certificate in Pathology after Medical Residency in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is a specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology certified by the Argentine Society of Orthopaedia. In 1978, while working as fellow of the Ortho

paedic Society, he started his work with his mentor Prof. Dr Fritz Schajowicz. He worked also with Dr Steven Teitelbaum at the Jewish Hospital of Washington University, St Louis Missouri and with Prof Franz Enzinger in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Washington DC. Since 1978 he has worked w

ith Prof Rómulo L Cabrini as Associate Researcher in the Department of Radiobiology of the National Atomic Energy Commission, Buenos Aires and as fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technologic Research. He acted as Chair of the Department of Pathology of the HGRL 601 Central Army Hospi

tal, Buenos Aires and is Chair Professor of the Department of Pathology of the School of Medicine and Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology of the Dentistry School of the University of Buenos Aires. He has been an Active Member of the International Skeletal Society since 1993 and of the

International Academy of Pathology since 1975. He is currently President of the International Academy of Pathology. He was a member of the WHO working group that established the Classification of Tumors of Soft Tissue and Bone in 2002 and also of the group that revised it in 2013. He has given many

presentations during his professional life, in several countries, including Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, Germany, Spain, Mexico, USA, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Japan, South Korea, South Africa and others.RICARDO K. KALIL, MDDr. Ricardo K. Kalil got his medical degree in 1969, at

the Medical School of the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil, and got his certificate in Pathology after Medical Residency in Brasilia, Brazil, 1972, from the Brazilian Society of Pathology.Several great mentors have contributed to his specialization in orthopedic pathology, fellowships and stage

s in a traveling fellowship during the year of 1974 - in Britain, H. Sissons at the RNOH, London, C.H. Godfrey-Price, Bristol, Mary Catto, Glasgow; in the USA, Crawford J. Campbell, Albany, NY, William F. Enneking, Gainesville, FLA. In 1994 - Krishnan K. Unni, Rochester, MN, USA.He acted as head of

the Pathology Laboratories of the Sarah Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals in Brazil, from 1974 to 2013, a full-time job of 40 years, where many young pathologists were instructed in orthopedic pathology. In the same institution, he served during some time in the last years, as member of the ethica

l committee and as medical director.He was a member of the WHO working group that established the Classification of Tumors of Soft Tissue and Bone in 2002 and also of the group that revised it in 2013, having authored two chapters in each edition. He is now consultant in orthopedic pathology at the

Laboratory of Orthopedic Pathology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and at the Department of Pathology of the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil.He is a member of the International Skeletal Society since 2003, where he served as member of the executive committee for two years, and of the Internat

ional Academy of Pathology since 1974. FRANCO BERTONI, MDFranco Bertoni has been Associate Professor, University of Bologna, Italy, Senior Consultant of the Surgical Pathology Department, Istituto Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy and is currently Consultant of Surgical Pathology, Villa Erbosa Hospital, Bolog

na Italy. He gained his medical degree from the University of Bologna, Italy in 1967 and has spent one month every year in the Surgical Pathology Department of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA, working in the field of bone tumors, beginning in 1977 with Dave Dahlin, then with KK. Unni and until now w

ith Dr. Carrie Inwards. He worked in Gainesville Florida for one academic year as visiting professor working with Prof. William Enneking on the field of bone tumors (1983-1984) and published nine articles in that period. He was a member of the WHO working group for the Classification of Tumors of So

ft Tissue and bone in 2002.He was invited speaker in many meetings in several countries including USA, Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala, Europe, Japan, Thailand, South Korea and others, and has published 465 papers.YONG-KOO PARK, MD, PhDYong-Koo Park was born in Seoul, Korea and he finished his medical

school in Seoul. After he finished his PhD degree in Kyung Hee Graduate School he went to the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. At Mayo Clinic, he studied bone and soft tissue pathology under the great mentor Dr. Unni KK. He became a member of International Skeletal Society in 1996.He has published more t

han 250 papers in peer reviewed journals and he also served two years as an editor in Skeletal Radiology. Now he is an editor of Human Pathology journal. He also presented many cases and research papers in international conferences, such as International Skeletal Society, International Academy of Pa

thology, and US-Canadian Anatomic Pathology meeting. He wrote three chapters in WHO Classification of Tumors of Soft Tissue and Bone, and Practical Orthopedic Pathology.


為了解決Gross price的問題,作者紀錦嬑 這樣論述:


Sheth, Newman and Gross 所提出的消費價值模型概念與作社群媒體連載輕小說問卷構面,探討社群媒體連載輕小說的體驗行銷、體驗價值及顧客忠誠度的相互關係。結果顯示多數的受測者為娛樂目的而使用社群媒體,有多年數位閱讀經驗與閱讀頻率高的受測者,皆認同社群媒體連載輕小說是良好的娛樂工具;讀者對於社群媒體連載輕小說的體驗行銷、體驗價值與忠誠度有顯著相關,影響讀者是否願意訂閱或閱讀社群媒體連載輕小說的關鍵來自於在閱讀的過程中所產生的「情緒」,以及作品是否能夠讓讀者產生「社會性的連結」。本研究結果可作為出版業者或是創作者對作品的行銷企劃略之參考。