1 mph to kmh的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列各種有用的問答集和懶人包

臺北醫學大學 公共衛生學系碩士班 陳怡樺所指導 Pairote Chakranon的 The effects of maternal mental health on children’s healthy lifestyles at two years old (2021),提出1 mph to kmh關鍵因素是什麼,來自於孕產期心理健康、幼兒健康生活型態、生命早期一千天。

而第二篇論文長庚科技大學 林口校區護理系碩士在職專班 巫菲翎所指導 陳慕貞的 平鎮地區糖尿病前期盛行率及其相關因子探討 (2020),提出因為有 糖尿病前期、次級資料分析、社區整合性預防篩檢的重點而找出了 1 mph to kmh的解答。


除了1 mph to kmh,大家也想知道這些:

The effects of maternal mental health on children’s healthy lifestyles at two years old

為了解決1 mph to kmh的問題,作者Pairote Chakranon 這樣論述:

AbstractsIntroduction: “The first 1,000 days of life” is defined as the conception through the second birthdate of children. This period is known as “The golden window period” because higher chances for promotion of early childhood health outcomes have been documented. Young child’s body systems de

veloped mainly during this period. Many factors could impact children’s health significantly during this golden period. For example, children who were promoted for having more healthy lifestyles were found to experience better-developed milestones. In addition, mothers are highly attached to their c

hildren, resulting in considerable influences on their children’s healthy lifestyles. Nevertheless, almost none of the previous studies investigated effects of multiple aspects of maternal mental health on children’s healthy lifestyles. This study thus aimed at examining the association between mat

ernal mental health and children’s healthy lifestyles at age 2.Method: Mother-child dyads (n=287) were examined using a prospective cohort named the Longitudinal Examination of Prenatal and Postpartum Health in Taiwan (LEAPP-HIT) project from 2011 to 2022. Maternal variables were collected at one ye

ar postpartum, while children’s healthy lifestyles were assessed when they were two years old. Self-reported data were analyzed using bivariate analysis and multiple regression to examine the association between aspects of maternal mental health and children’s healthy lifestyles.Results: We found th

at compared to the lower one, higher maternal anxiety was associated with worse levels of children’s eating habits [adjusted beta (aβ) = -0.59 95% confidence interval [CI] = -1.15,-0.02]. Moreover, children with higher maternal depression, compared to those who lived with the lower ones, were found

to associate with lower levels of physical activities and eating habits [aβ = -0.67 95% CI = -1.25,-0.08, and aβ = -1.17 95% CI = -1.86,-0.46, respectively]. Children whose mothers had higher depression level were more likely to exceed recommended time for screen device usage, compared to those whos

e mothers had lower levels of depression [adjusted odd ratio (aOR) = 2.93 95% CI = 1.12,6.69]. In contrast, children who lived with higher maternal positive affect were found to associate with better levels of physical activities and eating habits, compared to those who had mothers with lower positi

ve affect [aβ = 0.52 95% CI = 0.12,0.92, and aβ = 0.54 95% CI = 0.05,1.02, respectively]. Furthermore, for child's poor sleep habit, maternal higher life evaluations were associated with lower risks of their child's poorer sleep habit [aOR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.22 - 0.83].Conclusion: Poor maternal ment

al health, especially depression, was found to associate with unhealthy child behaviors (e.g. physical activities, eating habits and excessive screen time). Child eating habits were affected by maternal anxiety and negative affect. Positive maternal mental health, especially affect, may help boost c

hildren's activity and eating habits. Child sleep problems were lower among those with maternal higher life evaluation. Prompt intervention (e.g., integrating mental health assessments/programs into primary care) for at-risk mothers is suggested to help children to promote early childhood health bey

ond social-emotional and developmental issues


為了解決1 mph to kmh的問題,作者陳慕貞 這樣論述:

研究背景:台灣糖尿病前期盛行率高達35.8%,推估約有650萬人,此階段若未獲得良好的改善,將來得到糖尿病的機率相當高。研究目的:探討糖尿病前期盛行率以及人口學特性、生活型態、健康狀態及生化檢驗相關因子對糖尿病前期的影響。研究方法:本研究以橫斷式研究法,採取2012-2017年6年間聯新國際醫院世代研究資料庫資料,選擇最後一次糖化血色素(HbA1c)檢驗結果為5.7-6.4%之糖尿病前期者及研究期間HbA1c6.4%個案及有糖尿病病史者。使用統計軟體SPSS 25.0進行次級資料分析,統計方法有描述性分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、羅吉斯迴歸分析。研究結果:研究對象共3,496人,符合糖尿病

前期者共1,712人。糖尿病前期盛行率為45.46 %,其中男性盛行率48.58%,女性盛行率49.26%,盛行率隨著年齡增加而升高。糖尿病前期者以教育程度於國中(含)以下、客家族群、無職業者居多,相較於非糖尿病前期者在身體質量數、腰圍、腰臀比、收縮壓、舒張壓及檢驗值的CHOL、HDL、LDL、BUN、Cr、GPT、CRP等較為偏高情形。糖尿病前期者有高血壓、心臟病、高血脂、氣喘等個人疾病史及婦女使用(或曾經使用)避孕藥情形皆高於非糖尿病前期者,且達顯著差異。年齡、BMI、高血脂、GPT、高血壓、腰圍等6個變項為糖尿病前期重要危險因子,可解釋總變異量為12.8%。結論:糖尿病前期者於中高年齡者
