公立高職應用外語的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列各種有用的問答集和懶人包

另外網站選讀高職成趨勢?全台主要公立高職大分析也說明:新竹高商則以綜合高中最好,應用外語科英文組緊跟在後,國貿與資處分居該校三、四位,比起部分公立高中分數更優。 台中區主要高職為台中高工、台中家 ...

國立臺灣師範大學 國際人力資源發展研究所 賴志樫所指導 林依旻的 探討公立高職應用外語科教師工作投入之研究 (2015),提出公立高職應用外語關鍵因素是什麼,來自於教師工作投入、英文教師、應用英文科、十二年國教。

最後網站公立高職招生都會偏鄉兩極化 - 中時新聞網則補充:新北市力推技職教育,但全市5所公立技職高中招生狀況卻兩樣情,如新北高工、三重商工等都會區學校,每年招生率穩定維持9成以上,反觀老字號瑞芳高工, ...




為了解決公立高職應用外語的問題,作者林依旻 這樣論述:

Due to the rapid changing environment, the work conditions for teachers were not as stable asbefore. English ability was under the spotlight for the coming era of globalization; therefore,the study focused on the work environment of English teachers in Applied English Departmentto explore what infl

uenced their engagement. Qualitative method was adopted in this study inorder to find out what factors affect teachers’ engagement and to provide suggestions forteachers to stay engaged. Snowballing and purposive sampling were used to select potential participants, and in total ther

e were 13 participants in this study. After analyzed data, the researcher found that students, teachers themselves, and the workload played the most important roles in the variation of teachers’ engagement. Interaction from students was immediate feedback for teachers to m

odify themselves. And responsibility and self-efficacy accounted for the reasons to stay engaged. Workload, especially non-teach-related, distracted teachers from teaching and cares for students and decreased the engagement of teachers. Futurestudies might take region and gender into account to exam

ine whether these two factors have impacts on teachers’ engagement or not. Also, mixed method was recommended for future researchers to avoid the bias of self-reporting.