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line application err的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦羅剛君寫的 Excel VBA程序開發自學寶典(第3版) 可以從中找到所需的評價。

中華大學 科技管理博士學位學程 李開偉所指導 白米亞的 泰國建築工人的作業場所風險認知與冒險行為 (2021),提出line application err關鍵因素是什麼,來自於建築行業的健康與安全、風險認知、冒險行為、工作經驗。

而第二篇論文臺北醫學大學 醫務管理學系碩士班 郭乃文所指導 SEPTI MELISA的 The Impact of Hospital Acquired Infections on Hospital Financial Performance: A Study of California Hospitals (2021),提出因為有 Hospitals、Infections、Financial的重點而找出了 line application err的解答。


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Excel VBA程序開發自學寶典(第3版)

為了解決line application err的問題,作者羅剛君 這樣論述:

是VBA入門與提高的經典教材。全書分上下兩篇,上篇包含入門知識,對VBA的基礎理論、語法規則、編寫思路、代碼優化思路等都提供了詳盡的理論闡述和案例演示。下篇包含進階知識,提供窗體設計、正則表達式、字典、FileSystemObject、類模塊、注冊表、功能區設計、開發加載宏、封裝代碼等高級應用。本書基於Excel 2010撰寫,不過代碼可在Excel 2007、Excel 2010和Excel 2013中通用。本書是《Excel VBA程序開發自學寶典(第2版)》的升級版,在升級過程中做了大量(不少於60%)的修改,包括調整章節順序、舍棄部分實用性不大的內容、修改書寫方式、



為了解決line application err的問題,作者白米亞 這樣論述:

了解建築行業作業的風險認知 (RP) 對於工作場所安全和健康相關行為至關重要。它可以降低職業事故率並提高對行業法規的遵守。建築工人的風險認知對減少事故的研究已受到廣泛關注。文獻上有關於建築工人的的風險認知量表開發的報導。為了擴增現有的研究,本研究在建築工人的風險認知量表中開發了風險情景的概念,以測量泰國建築工人的風險認知,並研究建築工人風險認知與其冒險行為之間的關係。此外,本研究提出一個概念化模型,該模型描述了泰國建築工人風險認知的四個向度與其冒險行為之間的關係,以及工作經驗對這些關係的調節作用。研究對660 名泰國建築工人進行了面對面的問卷調查。研究的結果表明,風險認知-概率、風險認知-嚴

重性和風險認知-不安全向度之間的關係對其冒險行為具有顯著的負面影響。同時,風險認知-擔心向度對他們的冒險行為沒有顯著的負面影響。風險認知向度與公共日常生活相關的關係對冒險行為具有顯著的負向影響。此外,工作壓力和認知行為控制對他們的冒險行為有顯著的正向影響。具體而言,建築工人技能在風險認知-概率和認知-擔憂向度之間的關係中的調節作用對其冒險行為具有顯著的負面影響。但是,發現風險認知-嚴重性和風險認知不安全向度對他們的冒險行為沒有顯著影響。此外,建築工人技能在認 知行為控制之間的關係中的調節作用對其冒險行為具有顯著的正向影響。工作壓力與公共日常生活相關的工作壓力和風險認知對他們的冒險行為沒有顯著影


The Impact of Hospital Acquired Infections on Hospital Financial Performance: A Study of California Hospitals

為了解決line application err的問題,作者SEPTI MELISA 這樣論述:

AbstractTitle of Thesis: The Impact of Hospital Acquired Infections on Hospital Financial performance: A study of California HospitalsAuthor: Septi MelisaThesis advised by: Professor Nai-Wen KuoObjectives: Infections that occur during a patient's hospitalization are known as hospital-acquired infec

tions. These infections are the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in hospitals. Patients and hospitals will suffer financial consequences due to hospital-acquired infections, which will result in a longer length of stay and higher hosp

italization costs. As a result, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of hospital-acquired infections on hospital financial performance.Methods: This cross-sectional study examined hospital-acquired infections and their impact on hospital financial performance in 2019. We subtract hosp

ital-acquired infections and financial performance data from the California Health and Human Services (CHHS) dataset. Hospital-acquired infection rate calculated in this study includes Clostridium difficile infections, Central Line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI), surgical site infections

(SSI), and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections (MRSA-BSI). While operating margin, return on equity, and total asset turnover will be indicators of hospital financial performance. The researcher applied regression analysis to investigate the relationship between hospi

tal-acquired infections and hospital financial performance.Results: According to the CHHS dataset, California has 438 hospitals, but only 362 hospitals reported their financial data. The study included 320 hospitals that reported CDI, 279 hospitals that reported SSI, 320 hospitals that reported CLAB

SI, and 322 hospitals that reported MRSA-BSI. The regression model shows that SSI has a marginally positive impact on operating margin (p0.05). Other hospital-acquired infections, such as CDI, CLABSI, and MRSA-BSI, have a negative impact on operating margin, total asset turnover, or return on equity

, but it is not statistically significant (p>0.05).Conclusion: Hospital-acquired infections may impact some hospital financial performance indicators. A longer length of stay, higher cost, and readmission due to HAI could be the cause. As a result, preventing HAI may reduce the negative impact on ho

spital financial performance.Keywords: Hospitals, infections, financial performance