in excess of legal d的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列各種有用的問答集和懶人包

in excess of legal d的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Tsuda, Shawn (EDT)/ Kudsi, Omar Yusef (EDT)寫的 Robotic-assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Comprehensive Textbook 可以從中找到所需的評價。

國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 蘇昱璇所指導 石承鑫的 媒體使用與人民賦權:以印尼為例 (2021),提出in excess of legal d關鍵因素是什麼,來自於印尼、不平等、媒體使用、人民賦權。

而第二篇論文南臺科技大學 經營管理博士學位學程 黃鈺娟所指導 何芳庭的 The Financial Implications of CSR: The Linear and Non-Linear Relationship Between CSR and Firm Performance and the Role of Governance (2021),提出因為有 的重點而找出了 in excess of legal d的解答。


除了in excess of legal d,大家也想知道這些:

Robotic-assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Comprehensive Textbook

為了解決in excess of legal d的問題,作者Tsuda, Shawn (EDT)/ Kudsi, Omar Yusef (EDT) 這樣論述:

Minimally invasive surgery has impacted the outcomes of surgery more than any technology since the development of sterile technique. The hard science has demonstrated that decrease in wound complications and recovery time has created the biggest gap with open approaches to surgery. The total economi

c benefit may be unfathomable when looked at comprehensively. Integral to the rise of minimal access and therapeutic techniques in surgery has been the growth of technological improvements over time. Beginning with insufflators, videoscopy, and energy devices, that evolution has continued into the d

evelopment of tele-surgical devices that feature full articulation of instruments, high-resolution 3-D optics, and computer assisted movement. This has come with controversy - as the dominant manufacturer of robotic assisted devices, Intuitive Surgical, and their generations of da Vinci surgical pla

tforms, holds enough market share to spur cries of monopoly and financial excess. However, with over 3000 world-wide systems in use, and over 6000 peer-reviewed research articles, the impact of robotic surgery cannot be ignored. The current state of data suggests equivalency in most procedures with

regard to traditional outcome measures, equal or somewhat elevated costs, with specific areas of superiority.The first section of this textbook, Surgical Robots, covers the history, economics, training, and medico-legal aspects of robotic surgery that will be of interest to students, residents, fell

ows, surgical staff, and administrators or public health specialists who seek to gain a comprehensive background on robotic surgery, or justification for purchasing a robotic system for their institution. Surgeons will also find this background valuable to their practice, to give context to their pr

ocedures so they can better counsel their patients, help with advocating for robotic platform purchases, and proactively prepare themselves for medico-legal issues. The chapter on legal issues will have specific instances of robotic surgery-related lawsuits and their outcomes, a first for robotic su

rgery texts. The second section of this textbook, Robotic Procedures, will contain a comprehensive catalogue of procedures that have been performed robotically in general surgery, gynecology, urology, plastic surgery, cardiothoracic, and otolaryngology. Each author will cover the existing literature

, preoperative planning, room and patient setup, steps of the procedure, and postoperative care. Standardized room maps and port placement will help the student, resident, fellow, surgeon or OR Staff to quickly reference these before cases. Each chapter will also cover the specific equipment needs a

nd expected complexity of the procedures, allowing administrators to better gauge how to prepare for, or ration, use or their robotic resources. The final section, Future of Robotics, will give the entire scope of audience a look into what exciting advancements in the field are on the horizon. This

textbook is a complete resource for robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery, covering the history, current state, technical and clinical aspects, and future considerations that may be of interest to any who has a role, stake, or curiosity regarding robotic surgery. Shawn TsudaUniversity of Ne

vada School of MedicineLas Vegas, NevadaUSAOmar Yusef KudsiTufts University School of MedicineBoston, MassachusettsUSA


為了解決in excess of legal d的問題,作者石承鑫 這樣論述:

本論文旨於探討究竟使用大眾媒體(例如:觀看電視、收聽廣播、閱讀報紙、使用網路)是否有助於提升印尼當地人民賦權,並特別聚焦於對於當地女性產生之影響。本研究使用財務獨立性、對於家暴的態度、勞動參與、是否使用避孕措施作為本文衡量賦權之變數。研究數據來源為印尼2017年Demographic and Health Survey(DHS,人口健康調查)之統計資料,藉由量化分析法探討媒體使用對於印尼人民之影響,除了以最小平方估計法 (Ordinary Least Squares Estimation) 估計關聯性,亦使用工具變數 (instrumental variables) 處理內生性問題。本研究結


The Financial Implications of CSR: The Linear and Non-Linear Relationship Between CSR and Firm Performance and the Role of Governance

為了解決in excess of legal d的問題,作者何芳庭 這樣論述:

CSR initiatives are becoming more widespread as stakeholders emphasize their importance in both developed and developing countries. CSR is regarded as a necessity for survival and a requirement for remaining competitive. However, as CSR entails substantial costs and consumes valuable resources, the

financial implications are a matter of concern to businesses. Yet, there is still no consensus on the direction of the relationship. The inconclusive pattern could point to a more complex mechanism than simple linear correlations. Specifically, the relationship may be non-linear.The relationship be

tween CSR and firm performance of firms in Asia-Pacific is investigated in this study. The effect of governance at the firm and country levels is also examined. This study employs two main firm performance measures, namely accounting-based and market-based performance. The accounting-based measures

include return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE), while the market-based measures include price-to-book ratio (PBV) and Tobin’s q (TOBIN). To reflect expected differences in CSR initiatives and institutional determinants, a sample of 660 firm-year observations were selected from publicly li

sted firms in 11 Asia-Pacific countries from 2019 to 2020.This study provides evidence of the non-linear link between CSR and firm performance, particularly on the relationship between environmental initiatives and market-based measures of firm performance. The non-linearity is also revealed to be p

ronounced for smaller firms. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the CSR-firm performance relationship is moderated by governance. While some governance mechanisms flatten the relationship, others steepen it, causing both the negative and positive effects to be more pronounced.In order to motiva

te businesses to pursue socially desirable activities while avoiding negative impacts, it is imperative to find the optimal level between the benefits of investments and the costs associated with them. Given that CSR initiatives may not pay off immediately and that the relationship between CSR and f

irm performance is not linear, considerable resources and long-term planning should be devoted to this area.